Car Plows Through Barricade at SXSW; Two Killed, Twenty-Three Injured

Terrible news to wake up to: two people are dead and twenty-three injured — five critically so — after a driver attempting to evade police broke through a barrier and drove into a crowd of people at SXSW last night.
The incident occurred shortly after midnight, near a venue called the Mohawk, where fans were lining up to try and get into a Tyler the Creator show; Chino Moreno’s ††† (Crosses), meanwhile, had recently finished a set at the nearby House of Vans. Apparently, police tried to pull the driver over at a local gas station, at which point the guy hit the gas and tried to flee; in addition to plowing through the crowd of people, he hit a moped, the riders of which were killed, as well as a taxi and, finally, a van. The driver then attempted to flee on foot before being tasered by the cops. According to The Daily Texan, “APD Police Chief Art Acevedo said the driver will be charged with two counts of capital murder, as well as 23 counts of aggravated assault with a vehicle.”
You can watch amateur video of the aftermath below. Needless to say, it’s very upsetting — there are injured people literally all up and down the street, and at one point you can see paramedics attempting to revive someone via CPR — so consider yourself warned.
We’ll share more details when they become available.
[via Metal Insider]