Fan Collects Metal Musicians’ Drawings of Dinosaurs for Possible Book to Benefit Charity
Well, here’s a very silly idea which is also potentially a lot of fun. Some dude named Dan — yeah I have no idea what his last name is — has started a Tumblr blog called Draw Me Your Favorite Dinosaur, on which he collects metal musicians’ (PLOT TWIST!) drawings of their favorite dinosaurs, as interviews them about said dinosaurs. According to the blog’s mission statement thingie, Dan’s “eventual goal is to organise all the images I have received (and still currently receiving) and turn them into a book that I can sell with the profits going to charity.” Dan doesn’t specify which charity or how he’ll get the book together, but in the meantime, he’s already collected drawings and interviews from members of bands such as Destrage, Mutiny Within, and Xerath, to name but a few.
The best part about perusing the illustrations, though, isn’t seeing which metal dude likes which dinosaur — ’cause really, who gives a shit? — but seeing the range of artistic skill on display from the participating musicians. As of right now, my personal favorite is this one by Nathan Patel from Ghostless…
…although Richard John Lardner from Lock & Key’s is pretty good, too:
Of course, some of these dudes actually CAN draw — like Bill Fore, drummer for Mutiny Within, Vext, and Angel Vivaldi:
Go here to see the rest of the collection to date. Notable metal musicians who would like to participate should contact Dan via drawmeyourfavouritedinosaur AT gmail DOT com.