Machine Head’s Robb Flynn to Perform Black Sabbath Classics with Members of Metallica, Slayer, Suicide Silence, and More

Oakland-areas Machine Head fans: whatcha doin’ next Friday, January 17? Oh, no big plans? Well, hey, what about maybe going to see Machine Head’s Robb Flynn jam on Sabbath classics with some of the dudes from bands like Metallica, Slayer, Testatment, Exodus, Suicide Silence, Death Angel, Forbidden, Spiralarms, and Rubble? And, oh yeah, the show benefits a worthy cause. But no big deal if you can’t make it, shit like this happens every day… right?
I’m kidding, of course. I’ve never wished I lived in or near Oakland before, but I sure do now.
The show was actually put together by Craig Locicero, guitarist for the aforementioned Forbidden and Spiralarms, who explained via a press release:
“A good friend of ours and all around great person, Nikki Davis, was in a motorcycle accident with her husband Jeff. Sadly, Jeff died at the scene. Fortunately, Nikki survived but she was unconscious for a few days. She awoke to the daunting reality that her husband, soulmate and best friend had passed away. It was heartbreaking to all of us in the Bay Area scene.
“Robb Flynn and I have known Nikki for at least 25 years and she is a huge supporter of the Bay Area’s metal and punk scene.
“I wanted to help Nikki out a year ago, but most every band was busy on tour and unavailable. A few weeks ago, I had approached Robb about doing a benefit for Nikki and he thought it was a great idea.
“Robb has gone above and beyond to help bring together something very special and memorable to help Nikki on January 17th. He’s been the catalyst for getting this thing off the ground so quickly and Nikki is very thankful.
“We hope to raise enough money to help Nikki continue to get back on her feet because the healing is not finished. She still has medical bills to pay and we want to do anything we can to help our old friend.”
So, basically, this is an amazing once-in-a-lifetime event, and it’s going to help out a good woman going through a very rough time. Seriously, if you’re able to attend and you don’t, you should probably get your head checked.
The event takes place on Friday, January 17 at the Oakland Metro Operahouse. Tickets are just twenty bucks, and can be purchased here. If you’re unable to attend but would still like to lend Nikki Davis a helping hand, donations can be made via her PayPal account: help_jeff_n_nikki_d AT yahoo DOT com.