Question Of The Week: Yell Me A Story!

At some point, we’ve each been overwhelmed at work or school. We’ve stepped back, looked at our gigantic mess, and thought, Um maybe I’m actually not qualified for this. lol It happens no biggie. But today’s QOTW proposes a project that we metal people are sure to complete with good cheer and great success. It’s a no-brainer, requiring only that you arrange an afternoon of studio time, a very slow teleprompter, a mastery of matching voice to tale, and then a week for clearances/releases/distro deals. Snag-proof except for literacy issues, this is a task that we’d want to drag out forever, a profitable venture so fun that they’d have to pry out of your dead hands.
Inspired by the reading of “Goodnight Moon” by Gwar’s Oderus Urungus, we asked our staff:
You’ve been hired to produce a series of audiobooks for metal dudes. Which book and reader have you selected for the series’ big debut?
Publish or perish! Have an awesome wknd :)