Ted Nugent’s Wife Finds Out the Hard Way That You’re Not Allowed to Bring a Gun on an Airplane
Last week,
Shemale Shemane Ann Nugent, wife of philosopher/human rights activist/guitarist Ted Nugent, had her civil rights violated when authorities at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport had the gall to arrest her for trying to bring a .38 special handgun and five rounds of ammunition onto her flight in her carry-on luggage. (As you may be aware, this is the kind of thing that has become frowned upon in the years since 9/11, which was like the Randy Blythe arrest of American history.) No matter that Shemane told TSA she was carrying the weapon because she’s recently received death threats — she still had to spend a couple of hours in jail before being released!
Shemane’s attorney says that she has a license to carry a concealed weapon, and that her attempt to bring said weapon onto the plane was an “honest mistake,” which in legal terms is sometimes known as “an oopsie.” According to The Toronto Sun, Shemane now faces “a hefty fine.” I mean, Jesus jumpin’ Christ, I remember a time when an American had a right to protect him or herself without fear of having to be mildly inconvenienced by having to spend less time in jail than it would take to watch Iron Man 3 on TOP of having to pay a fine. Thanks a lot, Obama.
[via Metal Insider]