Fred Armisen Lets the Chism Fly in the New Queens of the Stone Age “Infomercial”
Queens of the Stone Age’s “infomercial” for the USB edition of their latest album, …Like Clockwork, is a must-watch for one very good reason: it stars Fred Armisen. As “Ricky Chism,” Armisen artfully demonstrates his greatest skill: creating fully-fleshed-out characters and then just playing those characters without putting much too emphasis on jokes. Ricky Chism never stops to utter a catch phrase, no specific attention is called to the fact that he’s wearing a pager, etc. He’s just this legitimately kinda out-of-touch dude selling a product to other out-of-touch people. A++++ WDBWA.
Incidentally, …Like Clockwork is out now.
[via The PRP]