It’s A New Video From The Devil’s Blood [NSFW]
Well not really. This awesome new clip set to “Feverdance” (here), the big finale to The Devil’s Blood’s big 2011 album, isn’t an official video. That would be weird cuz TDB broke up suddenly this winter and has since released their unfinished third record, Tabula Rasa or Death And The Seven Pillars. Nay, this spellbinding video — which TDB slipped onto their facebook page on Sunday — mostly qualifies as “fan art,” though this “fan” is a maker of serious “art,” not a basement stoner syncing scenes from Faces Of Death to TDB’s occult rock jamz. The artist describes the video, titled “HelAltaar I,” thusly:
HelAltaar I is an oneiric travel hidden behind the consciousness and the dream. The figuration of the goddess Hel as a mirror of Death, remembers us, the infinite nothingness of our being. Here, the initiatic way, along the 15;23;15 minutes of the song “Feverdance” by The Devil’s Blood, shares light into the chaotic ocean of Life.
Sure why not! If nothing else, it features a nice pair of boobs! And just like everything else from The Devil’s Blood, it’s best experienced in a darkened room, with your mind limber and ready for an artsy journey through darkness. Or on public transit while quietly chanting “Blood cleanse filth. The seventh circle open. Suffer the innocent.” Either way.