As I Lay Dying’s Tim Lambesis Returns to Court Today

The sleuths at Lambgoat did some investigating, and have found that As I Lay Dying vocalist Tim Lambesis will return to the North County Superior Courthouse in Vista, CA, to appear before Judge David Berry for what’s known as “Felony Readiness.” The session was scheduled to begin at 8:30 am PST/11:30 am EST, although Judge Berry has other items on his docket scheduled for the same time — so it’s not clear if it has already taken place or won’t be done until later in the day.
Felony Readiness entails a private meeting between the prosecuting and defense attorneys in the judge’s chambers, at which time either side may offer a plea bargain — e.g., Lambesis changes his plea from “not guilty” to “guilty,” thus saving everyone a lot of time and work, and, in exchange, he’s sentenced to less jail time than he might be otherwise.
Assuming that doesn’t happen, the next step in the process will be a Preliminary Hearing, during which the prosecution must prove that a crime has been committed. Which shouldn’t be too difficult, given that Lambesis has admitted that he committed a crime. And the next step after that would be the actual trial, which Lambgoat surmises would take place in the fall.
So I’m no lawyer, but if I was defending Tim Lambesis, I’d pretty much fall on my knees before the prosecutor and beg for a plea bargain. That would probably weaken my position, but still, I’d be defending a guy who admits he did that of which he is accused, and me best argument comes down to “It was all the steroids’ fault!” Inherit the Wind this ain’t, y’know?
More news as we get it.