Tonight! MetalSucks Hosts a LiveChat with Children of Bodom’s Alexi Laiho
UPDATE, 5:45pm EDT / 2:45 PDT: The chat is going on RIGHT NOW! Click here to join.
We’re hosting a very special event on MetalSucks TONIGHT: a livechat with Alexi Laiho! This is your chance to ask the Children of Bodom vocalist/guitarist anything you’ve ever wanted to know, be it about CoB’s lyrics, his guitar technique, dirt on the band’s new album Halo of Blood, or his favorite kind of vodka. Laiho will be on premises at the MetalSucks Mansion and answering your questions live as they come in.
The livechat kicks off at 6pm EDT / 3pm PDT and will last for one hour, longer if he feels like it. Visit the MetalSucks front page for the livechat link starting at 5:30pm / 2:30pm.