Check Out Two New Songs from Nightkin, Featuring Current and Former Members of The Red Chord and The Black Dahlia Murder

We first learned about Nightkin back in March, but if you smoke as much weed as I do, you probably need a reminder. So: this is the band that features ex-The Black Dahlia Murder drummer Zach Gibson on drums, ex-The Black Dahlia Murder bassist Dave Lock on guitars, and The Red Chord guitarist Mike “Gunface” McKenzie on vocals. (The line-up is rounded out by guitarist Matt Gauntlett and bassist Matt West.) At that time, we only had some samples to listen to in order to get some sense of how the band might sound, but now they’ve played live, and released a couple of videos of those performances via their Facebook page.
Unsurprisingly, given the line-up, this band sounds fucking siqqqqqqqqqqqq. Check this shit out:
As of two days ago, the band promised that “It shouldn’t be too much longer” before their debut album is finished; at the risk of sounding like a total dick, I’ll believe it when I’m listening to it, ’cause I’m still sittin’ pretty waiting for McKenzie’s Stomach Earth record to see the light of day. But I will be beyond stoked when I finally do get to sit down and rock out to Nightkin’s inaugural release.
While we continue to wait patiently, keep up with Nightkin on Facebook.