Question Of The Week: Happy New Y’ear!!

Hey MetalSucks awesomes Welcome back to MetalSucks Question Of The Week, a weekly survey in which our crack staff and awesome readership team up to weigh in on a huge, important issue in our metal world. When we finally win a Pulitzer — it’s only a matter of time srs — it’ll be for QOTW‘s singular examination of the many colors in Metal’s rainbow! Thanks for joining!
So, how was your New Year’s celebration? Did u party? Chill? Both? We imagine that your method of ringing in 2013 probably relates directly to your attitude about the start of another year. What’s your vibe? Excited? Scared? Angry? Sisyphean? Tired and old as shit? lol Tell us about it in today’s MS QOTW.
Fearless. Controversial. Half-baked. We give it to you straight every Friday afternoon. Straight back to the grindstone! Here’s this week’s question:
Inspired by a new year of metal and metalness and feelings, we asked our staff the following:
What was the very first metal u listened to in 2013?
Read the MS Staff’s awesome answers and reply below!
I spent New Year’s Eve catching up on 2012 Bleeders. My New Year’s listening choice was Ash Borer‘s Cold Of Ages from August 2012. The only reason that one was spinning was that I was taking a second run-through of albums I liked initially and Cold was next in the queue. Great fucking record!
My ears’ first taste of our beloved genre in 2013 was unexciting: My annual spin of Metallica‘s Master Of Puppets just happened to coincide perfectly with the start of the new year. So far, 2013 has been so stimulating that I don’t even feel like working up a Lars’-drumming-is-boring joke. Here’s to only going up from here, folks!
My first metal of 2013 was Sepultura‘s Beneath the Remains. I wish I could say it was because the album reminds of renewal or endless possibilities or some shit. But really it’s just that I was on the shitter reading its Hall of Fame feature in the new Decibel when it dawned on me that it’d been years since I’d pulled it from the shelf. You know what I’ve listened to way more than metal in the new year? Gato Barbieri, Chick Corea, Fleetwood Mac, and Elton John. DAMN YOU, DOLLAR BIN AT MONO RECORDS! Though I will give it up for my favorite new find, Buffy Saint-Marie’s Illuminations, just about the most metal ’60s folk album that ever existed.
I rang in the new year watching a group of dudes pretend to be The Stooges. “Iggy” was too bloated, of course (having an ounce of body fat means you’re too hefty to play him). But I had that gin in my system and uptightness was my victim, and I was screaming with the band like a runway son of the nuclear A-bomb.
As soon as MetalSucks closes up shop at year’s end, I have two modes: 1) Catching up on the metal I missed all year cuz I’m a beard metal poser, or 2) Listening to barely any metal. But this year, I’m stuck in the middle, alternating the latest from Knelt Rote (metal) and Flying Lotus (not metal). But on my way home from drinking Narragansett and watching Out for Justice at four a.m., the familiar opening of the Deftones‘ “Poltergeist” came on my car stereo. That song makes me grin like a fucking grade schooler; handclaps are exciting to a 31-year-old man like me. And that’s the perfect way to ring in the New Year. Sleepy and sloshy from a night of beer, weed, and strangely effeminate running, I wasn’t in a place for eardrum-scorching violence; I was just in the mood for something good. My favorite song from one of my favorite albums of 2012 fit nicely.
At the stroke of midnight on New Year’s, our party pressed play on The Headless Children by W.A.S.P. I rocked side A, but by “Forever Free” I was blubbering about time’s cruel march; but lol then for “Rebel In The F.D.G.” I switched gears to calmly detail the song’s resemblance to another W.A.S.P. song, “Wild Child.” Lots must’ve happened after that, but I only retain flashes of getting chased from a taco truck and getting tackled into a pool, or vice versa. Happy new year!
Didn’t even notice when 2012 became 2013 ’cause the calendar has little bearing on the fact that there will always be more death metal.
I’ve already burrowed deeply into the avalanche of new music that’s been cascading down into my inbox since before I started ignoring emails (holiday break = no fucks given about anything but cold cider and warm blankets). One album that’s already caught hold of my heartstrings is from Vancouver’s atavistic black metal softies Skagos. Anarchic is slated for a January 21 cassette release, and the band are currently streaming side A on their Bandcamp and asking a small donation to download the first two tracks/sides (these dudes write some long-ass songs). The funds go to press the album on vinyl, and release it themselves without longtime allies Eternal Warfare Records (which released one of 2012’s perfect albums, HELL’s III). All that aside, Anarchic is shaping up to be a really beautiful listen, one that’s worth paying for and will undoubtedly sound even better on wax. What has Skagos got to do with my New Year’s Eve? Absolutely zilch; I just think you should check it out. I didn’t hear much metal that night, flitting between a cringeworthy pop club night where my poor boyfriend was stuck working and a friend’s manic, whiskey- and drug-fueled house party in North London. That soundtrack swiveled between the din of thumping basslines, shrieky drunk broads, breaking glass, and slurred relationship advice from a third of Destroyer 666 to one of my girls as most of Cruciamentum roared by — not very metal, but pretty “metal,” I guess. I had on Passiv Dödshjälp whilst I was getting ready, if that counts? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, I’M STILL HUNGOVER.
lol Kim u surely are not the only one! So, dear MetalSucks readers, how about u? In what kind of mood did the dawn of 2013 find u? Blood and guts, like Cannibal Corpse? Epic like Maiden? Comatose like Trivium? Answer below then start your awesome wknd!!