Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe Officially Indicted on Manslaughter Charges in Czech Republic

You may have assumed that Randy Blythe was already formally indicted with manslaughter charges in the Czech Republic, given that he spent five weeks in a prison there — and yet, he was not, because as far as I can tell from following the case, the Czech legal system basically makes up its own rules as it goes along. Seriously, I don’t mean to sound bigoted against the Czech people — I actually had one of the best times of my life in Prague — but if you told me that they swing a chicken around by its leg and decide how to proceed with any given trial based on when that chicken lands, I’d believe you. Shit just does not make sense to me.
ANYWAY, according to Czech news outlet, Blythe was finally indicted this past Friday, November 30 — nearly four moths after he was released from jail. The article says that “The court now has three months in which to fix the date of the trial or send the case back for further investigation.”
Blythe has stated previously that he intends to return to the Czech Republic for his trial, which makes him a far more braver man than I. I guess we’ll see what happens next.