Ann Coulter/Anal Cunt Stickers are Pretty Much the Best Thing Ever
Ann Coulter has not, to the best of my knowledge, ever said that Liberals should be killed — although she has called liberals brainless, godless, demonic, treasonous liars with whom one should not even speak. She also called President Obama a “retard,” which some people thought was pretty offensive, because it’s not as though Afghan Hounds are known for their brains.
ANYWAY, it was this last comment regarding the Commander-in-Chief’s intelligence that inspired a man named David Hornbuckle and a friend to start the @AnalCoulter Twitter account, on which they frequently play a game “Ann Coulter Quote or Anal Cunt song title?” (you can tell the two apart because Coulter quotes are offensive, not offensive and funny). And now they’ve gone one step further, manufacturing the above Ann Coulter/Anal Cunt mash-up stickers. Which. Are. AWESOME.
You can order ’em here. It’s only $4.99 for a pack of five 4.25″ × 1.38″ stickers, although there seems to be a Cyber Monday sale going on right now where the price is knocked down to $3.99. Order yours here. I just got a bunch to use as stocking stuffers, only instead of stuffing them into stockings, I’m just plastering them all over Vince’s car without asking his permission first. Shhh, don’t ruin the surprise, okay?
[via Metal Insider]