Lambgoat Unveils List of Eleven Greatest Metal Songs of All Time
Lambgoat has big balls: they’ve published a list of what they believe are the eleven greatest metal songs of all time, which is kind of a thankless task. (We stick to “modern metal” on our lists because just considering the past five to ten years is daunting enough. Personally, I wouldn’t even know where to begin with “of all time.”) I don’t think anyone can say if they got it “right” or not, but I do think every song on the list is great, so good for them for not allowing some trendy bullshit to find its way onto there (although I might argue that they didn’t pick the right Pantera song). Heck, I even like most of their honorable mentions.
Of course, the writer’s personal preferences play a part in these things — in this case, I think it’s fair to say that author Dave Wedge holds thrash in higher regard than any other subgenre — which I’m sure will piss people off. I imagine there will also be people who feel cranky about a severe absence of songs released in the twenty-first century. But watching the internet’s metaphorical head spin is half the fun of doing a list like this, and, really, I can’t see anyone arguing that these songs all suck…
…except for Lambgoat’s always-hilarious commenters, of course:
Read the list here, then feel free to make your own derogatory comments below.