We came… we saw a shitload of cosplay nerds, we hosted Dee Snider, Alex Skolnick and Paul Booth signing sessions, we met Corey Taylor (and made silly metal faces with him), we handed out free shit (courtesy of Nuclear Blast), we sold a bunch of MetalSucks t-shirts, we listened to Metallica because Metallica music sells t-shirts… we conquered. New York Comic Con 2012 was a blast, and here’s the photographic proof.
Our booth, getting ready for Day 1.
The Delorean!
Slingin’ merch.
Guillermo del Toro and Vertebrae 33 pose with one of V33’s “Cthulhu” shirts.
Dee Snider arrives.
Dee Snider, V33, Vince
Our view.
Dee Snider being interviewed.
Dee poses for a photo.
Jen, Vince, Dee Snider, Axl, V33
Paul Booth at the booth.
Vertebrae 33, Corey Taylor (Slipknot, Stone Sour), Axl, Vince
Skolnick poses for a photo with a fan.
Skolnick signing.
Vince, Paul Booth, Alex Skolnick, Axl, Corey Taylor, and Vertebrae33 at Comic Con 2011
Alex Skolnick wows the audience with some sweet licks.
Vince, Skolnick, V33, Axl
A Hi-Chew video game!!
Man oggles at cute girl with big boobs in cosplay, we oggle at man oggling.