Not long ago, running three miles on a treadmill wasn’t a major pain in my ass. Call it a lack of motivation, an excess of burrito chains next to the office, or just a deficit in the br00tal releese department, but I’ve had a devil of a time getting those hairy legs of mine to fly on the ol’ Cybex. Here’s hoping this week’s spread of hard and heavy new releases will help here at the gym as I get back my beach bod. Here’s your extra-sweaty Shit That Comes Out Today!
Dying Fetus
Reign Supreme (Relapse)
On a playlist with: Cattle Decapitation, Necrophagist, Ceph at their most basic
Listen Exclusive MetalSucks Reign Supreme full stream (here)
“It’s not my fault I’m pregnant and I love drugs/Who cares, fuck the baby, let it die.” That’s a lyric that screams brutality — like a snare compressed halfway up your butthole. On their seventh album, the venerable Dying Fetus provide what we were probably expecting and eagerly anticipating: intense gutturals, fierce sweeps, and relentless blastbeats. Not sure that’s enough, but the glorious (and very rare) melodic solo section in “The Blood of Power” sure makes me want to blow through those “15-minutes-in” cramps and impress the cute girl on the next machine.
Eremita (Candlelight)
On a Playlist with: recent Enslaved, Arcturus, Leprous
Listen Eremita full stream (here)
Ihsahn’s solo albums might not be cardio-appropriate, but whenever I have a hankering for a black metal space odyssey I’ll surely reach for the stellar Eremita. There’s so much going on here that it evades description, but all of it works via that effortless Ihsahn skill for the catchy and ear-pleasing.“The Eagle and the Snake” is the best blackened-funk you’ll hear all year.
Mnemesis (Nuclear Blast)
On a playlist with: Fear Factory, Soilwork, Textures
Listen “Junkies On The Storm” (here)
Shit, Mnemesis can rock pretty hard. Weren’t these guys supposed to be really lame or something? 8-string guitars, interesting chord choices, a nice mix of clean and harsh vocals, and all kinds of Devin Townsend-y keyboard goodies— perfect gym music! Watch me flex!
Whitechapel (Metal Blade)
On a playlist with: All Shall Perish, The Acacia Strain, Job for a Cowboy
Listen: “I, Dementia” (here)
I’ve not been too keen on Whitechapel and deathcore, except for once I kinda liked this Acacia Strain song that turned out to not be an Acacia Strain song … but Whitechapel’s fourth ain’t bad. Heavy grooves abound and Axl Rosenberg’s beloved elephants do march. Frontman Phil Bozeman still sounds like TAS screamer Vincent Bennett, but some nifty melodic flourishes like the piano intro and acoustic interlude in the opener, “Make It Bleed,” keep Whitechapel tasty like a Cliffbar Crunch.
Anger Denial Acceptance (Century Media)
On a playlist with: Mudvayne, Sevendust, Static X
Listen “Nothing Left for Me” (here)
Hearing a new Spineshank album nine years after their last release, 2003’s Self Destructive Pattern, is like bumping into a friend you haven’t spoken to since middle school. For the life of you, you can’t remember why you ever were friends. And I’m an incorrigible nu-metal apologist, but Spineshank’s stripped down and all-too-hooky return is leaving me a little cold, and not in the “eerie industrial” way — more like the “just finished a January workout and forgot to throw on my sweatpants” sense.
Vampires Everywhere
Hellbound And Heartless (Hollywood Waste)
On a playlist with: Marilyn Manson, Murderdolls, Twilight soundtrack
Listen “Drug of Choice” (here)
Vampires Everywhere!’s debut Kiss the Sun Goodbye caught my attention last year. I had never before heard a band so offensively abuse autotune, so I had almost no choice but to kneel before their T-Pained awesomeness. And now I’m pissed that they dropped it! Instead, Hellbound And Heartless is an infuriatingly competent collection of gritty industrial rock songs that can’t really be derided in any easy manner. Hooray.

Dr. Acula Nation (Victory) listen

Ignite Our Darkest Days Live DVD (Century Media) watch
Katana Storms Of War (Listenable)
Lions Lions To Carve Our Names (Hollywood Waste) listen
Lita Ford Living Like A Runaway (Steamhammer) MetalSucks review here listen
Looking Forward Down With the Ship (Facedown)
Lykaion Nothin’ But Death (Bakerteam) listen

Make Do And Mend Everything You Ever Loved (Rise) listen
Malice New Breed Of Godz (Steamhammer/SPV) listen
Manilla Road Courts Of Chaos reissue (Red General Catalogue)
Manilla Road Open The Gates reissue (Red General Catalogue) listen
Manowar The Lord Of Steel (Magic Circle) listen
Mantas Death By Metal (Relapse) listen
Marion Crane The New Religion (Full Effect) listen
>> Morbid Saint Spectrum Of Death reissue vinyl (Relapse)
Mortal Infinity District Destruction (Digital Media) listen
>> The Murder Of My Sweet Bye Bye Lullaby (AFM) listen

Night Flight Orchestra Internal Affairs (Coroner)
The Overseer We Search, We Dig (Solid State) listen
Rumpelstiltskin Grinder Ghostmaker (Candlelight) listen
Spiders & Snakes London Daze reissue (Deadline) listen
Syron Vanes Bringer Of Evil reissue (Perris)
Syron Vanes Revenge reissue (Perris)
Teodor Tuff Soliloquy (Nightmare)
U.D.O. Celebrator: Rare Tracks (AFM) listen
White Pulp Vulgarity Is Not A Felony (Full Effect) listen
The Wretched End Inroads (Candlelight) listen
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