I LOLd for an hour straight on Tuesday cuz my Twitter was blowing up with metal people’s reactions to the Casey Anthony verdict (announced around 4PM EDT). It’s a serious situation, so dudes are mad and lending their two cents. That’s natural. But man, some people think dumb. Actually, know what? I’m just gonna c+p some metal celebrity tweets below. Remember, most of the following mini-declarations are wrought in awful logic, but not everybody on the internet is ignorant and high-horsing this shit to death. Um yeah just go ahead and keep reading and oooh the suspense…

Are you freaked out by the Casey Anthony verdict? Do you pay attention to metal guys and rockers as they blame the same legal system that they tacitly accept on a day-to-day basis? Is it justice that they want or merely to express butthurt about their unfulfilled desire for extra-legality? Fuck Nikki Sixx?
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