But it doesn’t seem evil. It seems really, really purdy.
Yes, From Exile have released some new music! It’s an acoustic demo of a song called “Everyone Wants to Seem Evil,” and even though it has no lyrics, I’d like to think that the title is commentary on the GGGGGGRRRRRR!!! image that’s so de rigeur for metal bands. But regardless of why the band called the song what they called the song, it’s all kinds of excellent, and is apparently only the first in a series, which makes me incredibly happy.
You can listen to the track in the below video, or, better still, go here to download it for the low low cost of free. And I’ll do my best to keep you updated as the band keeps adding songs to the series. Really, if you don’t know From Exile, you need to, and this is a good opportunity to school yo’self, son.
Thanks to Saul Hudson for the tip!!!