The mission was simple… to spend time at the NY Comic Con, people-watch and take some pictures of various nerds blazing the horns right smack-dab next to a MetalSucks shirt. I usually attend the Con but this time I thought it would be cool to get the word out about Metal Sucks as well as my clothing company Vertebrae33. There is really no end to the picture possibilities when you assemble that many comic geeks under one roof.
with wacky kids… I think I have found the future of Metal Sucks.
with Devil… Is he not the happiest looking devil you have ever seen?
with Demon Boy… Seemed like a nice guy and he said he was huge MS fan.
with GI Joe… Finally I can put my camo shorts to good use.
with green hair… This chick must be metal and her hair looked poisonous.
with Jango Fett… The most metal… clone… errrr bounty hunter ever?
with Juliya….Nice lady and a fan of the site.
with necklace man… I think I found a lost member of Mastodon.
with big gun… This woman had a huge crowd around her… so with flashes going I pushed my way in and now a bunch of people have pics of her holding the MS logo.
with Paul Booth…Nuff Said
with Odin… Does that crazy red beard not scream metal… love the gimmick.
with Marvel vixens….The best part about this was the fact that about a dozen or so other people were snapping pics at the same time. Also, a guy dressed as Indiana Jones took the pic.
with Watchmen… The man dressed as Rorschach gave me no warning that he would grab my neck.
with wimpy vadar… I asked them throw up the horns… Darth Maul did not respond and Lord Vadar stated that he could not because he forgot his gloves… classic.
with lady freaks… Not sure what to make of this… they seemed nice but the longer I stayed near them… the more I thought this may be their everyday attire.
with karate guys… This was the first shot of the day… Who said the Karate Kid remake did not inspire people?
with Yeti… This was a Yeti appearing for Animal Planet… it seems he would rather hang loose than get metal.