A little birdy came and told me that Karl Sanders has never been to Egypt.
What what WHAT?!?!
This perplexing nugget of information came up in conversation because yours truly just booked a flight to Cairo in February. There will definitely be a serious Nile listening session in effect when I visit the pyramids, and, if Egypt’s mobile technology allows, blog and Twitter updates from The Middle East will be aplenty. Better yet, I’ll be traveling with someone who lived there for 2 years and speaks Arabic, and for at least part of the time I’ll be staying with a local metalhead. I’m really looking forward to exploring the underbelly of Egyptian metal culture, whatever that entails… I’ll probably get a lot of confused looks when I tell folks I run a website called “Metal Sucks.”
We’re trying mightily to get Mr. Sanders to accompany us on our journey. We’ll see how that pans out. In the meantime, Noisecreep is streaming Nile’s new track “Utterances of the Crawling Dead” which comes from Nile’s new album Those Whom the Gods Detest, out November 3rd. You should listen to it whilst imagining the hilarity of this Jewish metalhead traipsing around Egypt this coming Winter.