Waytooloud recently spoke to Skeletonwitch guitarists Scott Hendrick and Nate Garnett about some of their road habits. I love interviews like this because they really give an accurate snapshot of just how much it blows to be on the road:
Way Too Loud!: I’ve heard stories of bands eating beef jerky and peanut butter to survive on the road? (Just then, Scott pulls out a jar of Jiff peanut butter, and everyone bursts out laughing) I see a banana that looks like it’s in good shape!
Scott: It’s not bad, I ate the other one yesterday.
WTL: But you’ve got to ration it though.
Scott: Definitely! That’s 8 meals right there! But to let everyone know the secret, it’s our amazing budget. We give everyone in the van $5 a day.
Nate: I usually spend mine on a Coke and a king-size Snickers bar. Or if I don’t get that, I usually get a beer.
Scott: I’ll buy a pack of cigarettes and a banana.
Nate: We usually bring a lot of food from home. My mom will bake. The last time she bought Wal-Mart brand pop-tarts and some canned chicken, so I’ll eat one of those a day. You can buy a loaf of broad for a buck.
Scott: I can usually buy tuna.
Nate: It’s way cheaper than buying fucking Burger King. Burger King’s way better, but?
Scott: Burger King does a number on our stomachs.
Nate: Eating from home keeps your butthole a little better! (Laughs)
Beef jerky, peanut butter, bananas and burger king? Remind me never to step into Skeletonwitch’s van without a mask on.