Might we see a new Dark New Day release this year? Maybe so. After label problems and scheduling snafus due band members’ other touring commitments, it appears that the Clint Lowery-led (ex-Sevendust) machine might finally be ready to offer a follow-up to 2005’s Twelve Year Silence. In addition to posting a full, new track called “Goodbye” on their MySpace page this weekend, the band (in the form of drummer Will Hunt) had this to say:
“So, rumor, speculation, anticipation, etc., seems to be on a lot of peoples minds. I will not say anything accept this……………………Happy Easter! O.K., not really, I mean Happy Easter, no doubt, but let me just say this- there will be an announcemnt, I mean announcements, over the next couple of weeks that I really believe will make any Dark new Day fiends very happy- this I promise… Because after the rumors, speculation, labels, lawyers, he said, she said, blah, blah, fucking BLAH, its about the music, and you, the loyal DnD tribe that have never lost sight of that!”
What can we say? We sure hope the new record does see release this year. The new song is both heavy and artfully melodic, as could be expected from anything Clint Lowery puts his name on. While Sevendust may have written three albums in the time it took DnD to write one, the former seems content to write the same album three times in a row (Chapter VII: Hope & Sorrow out next Tuesday; trust us, we’ve heard it) but every bit of new Dark New Day material we’ve heard reassures us that Clint was the most progressive thinker in his old band.