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Ozzy Osbourne Complains That He Was “Not Allowed to Have Fucking Fun” During Black Sabbath Reunion

  • Axl Rosenberg

Ozzy Osbourne has reiterated his recent assertion that the Black Sabbath reunion and farewell tour wasn’t a pleasant experience for him.

The man known in France as ‘L’Ozz’ tells Rolling Stone:

“It’s not allowed to have fucking fun with Sabbath. It’s too serious. Tony [Iommi, guitarist] was trying to have a go at me, saying, ‘Don’t fucking talk over my solos.’ I go, ‘OK, are you sure? ‘Cause most of the fucking song is solos. The intro to the song is fuckin’ five minutes and then I sing for about two seconds and then it’s another one.’ With my own thing, I’m looking to have fun, and that’s what music’s about for me. I’m not a serious fucking singer. I’m just a frontman who’s trying to get the crowd going in front.”

Wow. You’d almost feel bad for Ozzy, if he wasn’t compensated squillions of dollars for the trouble of having to put up with Tony Iommi’s bad attitude. In fact, if Ozzy had only stopped to do some math, he’d probably realize Tony did him a favor by increasing his work-to-pay ratio. Tony, if you ever wanna give me money not to talk over your solos, just gimme a call, babe.

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