Nachtmystium Played Their First Show in Five Years AND Blake Judd Gave Refunds to Fans He Scammed
Update, 9:39 a.m.: Apparently Judd’s offer is completely legit. One fan recounted his experience from this past weekend on Facebook:
“Just went through a wave of emotions so I had to right this down. I’m trying to focus on the positive so please don’t start trash talking. Nachtmystium was one of my favorite bands starting in 2008. Their Black Meddle albums connected with me immediately because of my love of Pink Floyd (whom the albums have subtle nods towards), and they still connect, influence, and inspire me musically and lyrically to this day. I was very sad when they broke up, but even sadder when I started hearing about lead singer/guitarist/songwriter Blake Judd using fan money to feed his drug addiction instead of for merchandise like he promised. It was hard to defend his actions, despite how unfortunate the situation was. Fast forward about 5 years later. Tonight, Nachmystium played their first show since the breakup, and I finally got to see them for the first time. The first thing I noticed was that Blake wasn’t hiding his ghosts. He embraced them. A sign at the merch booth let fans know that people who were victimized by Blake’s actions would be reimbursed. Between songs (when someone in the crowd taunted him by saying “play a song about herion”), he told the auidence about his past and explained how he was looking to the future and trying to make things better. Blake seemed happy, healthy, and one of my favorite moments was before the set and looked at me in disbelief, asking me “can you believe this is really happening? I can’t”. It was good to see him on that stage. The band played an amazing set. After the show, I wanted to meet Blake to give him a copy of the Aeonic Impulse album (from one Floyd fan to another). Our interaction was cut short because of a drunk/aggressive concertgoer who wanted to argue about things Blake may or may not have done in the past during those dark years. Blake handled the situation confidently and elegantly, simultaneously making sure that I got a picture with him and that his girlfriend wasn’t getting harassed. Blake and his girlfriend used that phrase “trying to make things right” a lot that night. Addiction is not a diagnosis, it’s a symptom for something deeper and darker. Blake had to deal with himself and his own demons before he could rebuild bridges with anyone he had lost along the way. Whether it be a friend, family member, or fan, these things take time, and some connections may never be repaired, but Blake and his wonderful girlfriend are willing to try, and I am so happy for them and the road they are on. They seem to be happy too, knowing that it’s the right path. They know it will take a while, but that reimbursing at the merch booth is a good first step. The band has some great upcoming shows with special set lists. They just printed new shirt designs and have a new live CD out with their back catalog being reprinted soon. Blake, thank you so much for your time tonight, however brief it was, it meant the world to me. I hope music continues to bring your life happiness like it did on that stage tonight. Tonight, I am proud to call myself a Nachtmystium fan again
This warms the cockles of my heart.
Original story follows below.
I know everyone, myself included, feels cynical about Blake Judd’s return. This is perfectly understandable. He’s burned his fans and collaborators so many times, it feels like we’re way past the point of “fool me twice.”
But for what it’s worth, Judd seems to be really trying to make things right: when the re-formed, re-jiggered version of Nachtmystium played their first two shows in nearly five years over the weekend, Judd and company offered refunds to any of the fans Judd scammed during his heaviest drug-using years. The group posted the following message on Facebook just before taking the stage for the first time in half a decade:
“Its happening….now. Nachtmystium’s first show in nearly five years. The band goes on at midnight. Nice big crowd here….we are thrilled to be back and to see all of you that are here tonight. Merchandise is available AND we are issuing cash refunds / merchandise for anyone whom may have ordered between 2012 – 2014 and didn’t receive an order. Just come see us at the merch table, we will get you sorted out and also refund you for the fee you were charged at the door…the show tonight is on us of you were victimized in the past. 1 hour, 37 minutes ’til stage time…. \m/”
What’s not currently clear is how many fans who’d been burned, if any, were actually at these shows and able to take advantage of the offer. If any MetalSucks readers fall into this category, by all means, please drops us a line and let us know this wasn’t just a PR stunt. ‘Cause it would be swell if Judd seriously had his shit together now. Whatever problems the guy has or has had, he’s an insanely talented dude, and Nachtmystium were great. No one, in other words, should be rooting against Judd.
While we wait for more news on this whole refund thing, you can watch video of one of the band’s first performances back below:
[via The PRP]