Archspire Vocalist Oliver Rae Aleron Cracks Wise About Paris Attacks
We’re big fans of Archspire here at MetalSucks — they even played our SXSW showcase this year — but a bunch of you sent us messages about this and we can’t just ignore it or pretend it never happened.
See, while the world grieved over this past Friday’s horrific ISIS attacks in Paris — attacks which, as of this writing, have left at least 129 people dead and more than 350 wounded — Archspire vocalist Oliver Rae Aleron decided it was a good time to go on Facebook and make jokes. Aleron has since deleted the offending posts, but this being the internet, there are, of course, screencaps:
It’s no secret that we here at MetalSucks love a good tasteless joke… but we also believe there is such a thing as “too soon.” And these wisecracks were made the night of the attacks. They are the very definition of “too soon.” As an Archspire fan, Aleron’s lapse in judgment is painfully disappointing. Hopefully he shows better sense in the future.