After the Burial Release Comment Regarding Justin Lowe, Says Guitarist is “Ill”

Earlier this week, After the Burial guitarist Justin Lowe suffered what can only be described as a paranoid episode, during which time he took to the internet to announce that he is the victim of a massive conspiracy perpetrated by something “more powerful than law enforcement” and that “the record label [Sumerian], our manager, [and] band [mates]” are all in on it.
Lowe’s (former?) bandmates in After the Burial have now released a statement about the situation, in which they basically confirm what we all suspected: that Lowe is suffering from some kind of mental illness.
As horrible as this is, at least Lowe has family and friends who care about him and is safe and, presumably, is on the course to get the help he needs. Hopefully he can make it out the other side of this thing okay.