AC/DC Drummer Phil Rudd Arrested AGAIN

Presumably soon-to-be-former (again) AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd has been arrested for the second time in a month. His first arrest, of course, was for drugs, threatening to kill someone, and allegedly attempting to hire a hitman, although that last charge has since been dropped; this time the cops picked him up after getting into a public altercation at a coffee shop, which apparently started with heated words before moving onto fisticuffs, according to
Staff said Rudd was involved in a dispute with a “huge guy”.
“He (Rudd) was all up in the guy’s face,” a waitress said.
The man pushed Rudd in the chest.
“He fell backwards over our sign and landed in the cafe. There was food and stuff everywhere,” another worker said.
At that point Rudd “went nuts”.
Oh, at THAT point Rudd went nuts? Because, y’know, from a distance, it would appear that Rudd has been nuts for some time. In fact, now Angus Young’s recent comment that Rudd is “not the Phil we’ve known from the past” seems even more believable. Unless Rudd is either a) just trying to help his defense attorney’s struggling business or b) Rudd really enjoys the feel of handcuffs and the smell of the interior of police cars, the guy is clearly fucked up in the head right now. Whether that head-fucked-upness is due to drugs or if the guy just snapped, I have no idea (although I’d wager it’s due to drugs). Either way, it’s a safe bet that the newly released Rock or Bust just became Rudd’s (second) swan song with AC/DC.
[via Metal Insider]