Exclusive Premiere: Incantation, “Carrion Prophecy”

Incantation are the very embodiment of death metal. The riff that opens “Carrion Prophecy,” unveiled exclusively to the world on MetalSucks via the player below, is as classic a death metal riff as exists in the world — that descending, evil-sounding harmony, though! And then, as if silencing all haters about to accuse this band of being stuck in the past, guitarist John McEntee and bassist Chuck Sherwood lock into a slow riff so gnarly, so dirty, so powerful, that you’d swear a herd of elephants is about to stampede right into your living room. FUCKING DEATH METAL!
Check out “Carrion Prophecy” below. New album Dirges of Elysium comes out in the EU on June 10th and in the U.S. on June 24th via Listenable Records.