Music Dorkery

Remember That Time Marty Friedman Shredded with Metallica?


Martyllica - James and Marty

Guitar whiz Ben Higgins first caught our attention with this highly entertaining video of himself emulating the styles of thirty different metal guitar gods, including Yngwie Malmsteen, Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhoads, Slash, and, of course, Dime, amongst others.

Well, this new video from Higgins has a bit more of that, but with a twist: he’s laid each axeman’s shred style on top of a rhythm track that emulates a completely different metal band. Yngwie shredding over Morbid Angel, Steve Vai over Pantera, Marty Friedman over Metallica, Alexi Laiho over Skid Row, Kirk Hammett over Motley Crue and so on and so forth… times thirty.

What’s remarkable isn’t that Higgins completely nails each player’s shred style with remarkable accuracy — I mean, we already knew from the previous video that he’s a ridiculous player — but that he’s also got the underlying rhythm tracks nailed too. That sounds like an Anthrax riff, and yet it’s not! Etc. Someone should hire this guy to write music for movies and commercials for when the rights to the original composition are too expensive.

For you guitarists out there, later in the video Higgins goes on to explain the ins-and-outs of what makes each player’s style that player’s style. Check it out:

Thanks: James C.

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