WTF Revelation of the Day: Shirley Temple’s Daughter Used to be the Bassist for the Melvins
Shirley Temple has died. That’s very sad, but she was eighty-five years old, so she had a good, long life. And now I can not-so-artfully transition into the actual subject of this blog post!
Metal Insider‘s Bram Teitelman — who drolly notes that Ms. Temple was “more than just a drink with no alcohol in it” — has picked up on this extremely interesting bit of trivia: Temple’s daughter, Lori Black, was the bass player for the Melvins from 1987 to 1991 (and again in 1993 after a brief stint away), and appeared on their albums Ozma, Bullhead and Houdini, as well as the Eggnog EP. She was apparently dating Buzz Osbourne at the time, and using the name “Lorax” Black. Here are some photos of Black throughout the years:

Houdini would become one of the Melvins’ most successful albums. Its credits are full of other equally notable names, by the way;, which is a veritable gold mine for this kind of stuff, has all the information. Kurt Cobain contributed guitar and guest vocals, Gene Simmons has a “composer” credit (!), Billy Anderson has producing and mixing credits and Garth Richardson engineered and mixed. This is all probably old hat to most Melvins fans, but worth the reminder in this context.
R.I.P. Shirley. We hope Lori is still making music, wherever she may be. Stream Bullhead in full below: