Exclusive Premiere: Artificial Brain, “Absorbing Black Ignition”

Man oh man, are you guys going to love Artificial Brain. Give it a chance because the band features Revocation co-guitarist Dan Gargiulo, but let that be the end of any preconceived notions you might have about the music.
This is death metal done the way death metal is supposed to be done: raw, challenging and SCARY. Breakneck, churning blasts of fury are reminiscent of Ulcerate and Nero di Marte, the technicality calls to mind Gorguts and Dysrhythmia and the sci-fi lyrical themes would give Wormed a run for their money. See where we’re going with this? Those namechecks are no small praise, and we’re dead serious when we say that Artificial Brain’s new album Labyrinth Constellation can stand right up there with the best releases by any of them. Colin Marston’s trademark clear, skronky production drives it home while Paolo Girardi’s creepy artwork creates the perfect mood.
See what we’re talking about with an exclusive stream of the album’s second track “Absorbing Black Ignition” below. Labyrinth Constellation comes out on February 18th via Profound Lore.