Drummer Jon “The Charn” Rice Leaves Job for a Cowboy

Drummer Jon “The Charn” Rice has sent the following statement to MetalSucks:
“As of this past August, I have decided to part ways with Job for a Cowboy. There are a few reasons for this, none of which I’m going to get into.
“That being said, I have no intentions of stopping touring or playing. I honestly love to tour and play live with new people, so I look forward to playing in new musical arenas in the future.
“The dudes and I are on very good terms with this and they understand the decision. They have a new record in the making and I’m extremely excited to hear it.
“Thanks again to everyone.”
Rice is an amazing musician, and it’s a bummer to hear that he’s left a band we admire so much. That being said, JFAC have undergone about eight trillion line-up changes in the past and always managed to persevere. I don’t think it will be an uphill battle for them to find another great drummer.
And I’m excited to hear what Rice does next! If you’re not already hip to this dude’s skills behind the kit, watch this video of him in the studio and hold on to your socks, lest they be knocked off: