Hair Metal + Idiot Magician Criss Angel = Comedy Gold

Did you know that Mindfreak magician Criss Angel, adored by millions of fans around New Jersey for his inability to properly spell the name “Chris” in a manner anyone with a first-grade education would recognize, once fronted a hair metal band? It’s true! It actually makes perfect sense when you consider that this is a genre FULL of dudes who insist on replacing or altogether eliminating at least one letter from every name (see: Nikki, Rikki, Jani, Tracii, Scotti, Keri… I guess we should be grateful he didn’t go with “Crissi”).
What makes less sense: why Angel (and whomever was handling/backing him at the time) thought it would be a good idea to incorporate magic into his music. I know that a gimmick can really help distinguish an artist from competitors in a crowded field, but I can’t remember ever watching a Cinderella video when I was a kid and thinking, “Gee, this is a catchy song and everything, but what would really make it rock is if Tom Kiefer turned a balloon into a dove.” And even if, for some reason, that thought had crossed my (or anyone else’s) mind, I don’t think it would have been followed by the thought “And the best way to demonstrate this magic would be to put a disclaimer at the start of the video insisting that no trick photography has been utilized, and then cutting from a close-up to a wide shot mid-illusion so as to suggest that the trick trick photography has been utilized.”
Watch the entire video below. Major props to the magnificent bastards over at Metal Injection for digging this up.