Listen to Watain’s Wild Stream

Wowee wow wow wow — after Avenged Sevenfold’s Hail to the King and Born of Osiris’ Tomorrow We Fry the Chi▽es, Watain’s The Wild Hunt marks the third big-time-release-full-album-stream to go online in the past twenty-four hours. You probably feel overwhelmed, but in a good way. Uptown problems, right?
Regardless of how overwhelmed you feel, I’d make it priority to at least give The Wild Hunt the old college try. It’s long, sure, but it’s also pretty goddamn righteous. And as I’ve said before, it features what amounts to a goddamn power ballad — inspired by the work of Cormac McCarthy, to boot — in the form of “They Rode On.” If you’re not at least a little bit curious as to how a ballad written by a band that sometimes throws animal carcasses around on stage sounds, something is wrong with you.
Watain’s The Wild Hunt comes out today on Century. Read our review here, and our interview with Watain’s Erik Danielsson here.
[via Invisible Oranges]