Fleshwrought are Working on New Material!

Fleshwrought are back. The full-on death metal assault helmed by ex-Animosity and ex-Animals as Leaders drummer Navene Koperweis appear to be working on new material if recent band activity on the Interhole is to be believed.
A video appeared on @chaneycrabb‘s Instagram account on Monday showing Navene riffing away on a 7-string, with @navenek tagged in the post. Watch it here. A day later Fleshwrought’s Facebook posted a link to that video with the accompanying text “We’re baaaack!” eliminating any doubt that the video is connected to Fleshwrought as opposed to Koperweis simply monkeying around.
So: this is great news! We much liked the band’s 2010 album Dementia/Dyslexia and we’re huge fans of Koperweis — the Twelfth Best Drummer in Modern Metal — and so we’re excited to hear what he’s cooking up next. No word on whether Job For a Cowboy vocalist Jonny Davy will be behind the mic this time around. Stay tuned for more.
Thanks: Huthaifa