We already knew that Glenn Danzig was nutty, ’cause he used to sing for The Misfits and he doesn’t believe in doctors or medicine. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s a conspiracy theorist, too. From a recent interview with MSN:
What are you reading lately?
Let’s see… something I started getting interested in a long time ago, that’s just an extension of a course on America being founded on Masonic principles and things like that. Back in the ’90s I looked at it and it was a no-no to talk about, but… the whole organization that runs the world, which is multi-country, and people know it as either the Committee of 300 or the Bilderbergs. Some people call it the Illuminati. That’s interesting to me.
The Illuminati? Like, the bad guys from that movie Opie made? Yeah, I’m not that worried about those dudes. Or the Bilderbergs. Or any of those other groups people like to say secretly run things. I mean, my grandfather was a Freemason, and if that guy was running the world, then I’m secretly Joey Belladonna, and I just make fun of myself for free publicity. Oh, wait. Shit. I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Now I have to kill you.
Anyways, here’s hoping Danzig now covers this: